
Kingemead – Der Königsmet

The Kingsmead

Did you stumble upon our King´s Mead series and want to know more? The meads are is our own personal interpretation and suggestion for a what these kings might have drunk in the Viking Age. Mjødgård is very passionated about mead and the history that comes with it. Therefore we are proud to present our ebook that will you guide you and let you know everything behind, in, and about the King’s Mead. We hope that you will enjoy this little reading – happy reading!

Der Königsmet

Die Königsmet-Serie ist unsere ganz persönliche Interpretation und unser Versuch, eine Met-Serie zu brauen, die die Könige der Wikingerzeit getrunken haben könnten. Erfahren Sie mehr über Met in unserem E-Book.
Mjødgård - 12. juli 2021

Mjødgård - 12. juli 2021